Monday, March 3, 2008

Emotions Resulting from My Brain Tumor

I had no confidence in myself now....
no self-esteem or sense of self-worth.
I didn't seem to “fit in” anywhere, anymore. I was slow; normal, busy people were fast and I was not able to keep up.

Self-esteem is a self-reinforcing characteristic. When we have confidence in our ability to think and act effectively, we can persevere when faced with life's challenges.

Talk by normal, busy people seemed frivolous and unimportant to me now. I was fighting to get my normalcy back while others were conversing about what to serve at a bridal luncheon or what color fingernail polish was that? I was struggling to be normal again and didn't know from day to day whether I would ever be able to speak right or able to use my right arm and hand again.

I was so insecure I hated for Jack to leave me and I felt like he left me so often to go play tennis... He would play at night and most every Sunday afternoon whether he had planned something for us to do together or not. If anybody called, he would leave me, so disappointed, and head out the door with tennis racket in hand. He couldn't understand why I couldn't be more flexible as he would say. The solution, in my disappointed mind, was to never plan anything to do ahead of time.

When he played tennis at night I was frightened. Suppose somebody were to come to the door! Because of the set back I felt so helpless. If only one of the children lived at home, I'm sure I wouldn't be so lonesome. But they all lived away. It was so myself.

I was totally dependent on Jack and was afraid I might lose him, to either another woman or to his tennis or to whatever he might desire more than coming home to me. I knew I couldn't compete with anybody or anything or any situation; I had no fight left in me. I was pitiful... like a wounded little puppy dog. He might very well find something more exciting than to come home to me.

I felt a hurt go through my heart. Many a night I would cry myself to sleep.
It is hard for a busy person to comprehend how one feels who has nothing to do. I had nothing to do because I could do nothing....nothing with which to keep myself busy...nothing to be interested in...nothing to make my life feel worthwhile....nothing to give a sense of accomplishment or meaning.

I was so bored... until Julie brought me the stand for counted cross-stitching. Then I would sit by the hour and try to count and stitch until I had made twenty little Christmas tree ornaments to give to my friends.

For a normal person the brain is the seat of consciousness, thought, memory, reason, judgments AND emotion. But there I was, incapable of thinking and was overloaded with emotion……..

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