Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Largest Meningioma Tumor Doctor Had Ever Seen

Physician's Report

Fri. 2:30 P.M. Dr. Dial

Notes taken by my daughter, Eleanor

“The meningioma was the biggest one he'd ever seen. Strange growth pattern. Grew up and out, more than in, all in bone of skull.

Almost into brain which made it difficult to excise without causing deficit. Is not changing 15% odds on us, but won't know anything for 4 or 5 days when swelling goes down. Will have pathology report in 72 hours.

All we know is Mother is awake, alert, and recognizes us.”

Fri. 2:30 P.M.

Visit: Sally and Eleanor (2 of my daughters)

Notes taken by Eleanor

“Visited Mama until 3:10. Held her hand. Showed her get-well cards.

Auditory comprehension poor. No effort at speech. Very tired.”


Anonymous said...

If you need a support group please check online @ meningiomamommas.org
You have all been thru so much. Keep giving your Mom the love and support she needs.

Anonymous said...

Another good brain tumour support group (and that includes meningiomas) is called "Brain Tumour Survivor" and you can google for it.

Well good news for me. My MRI scan result after 2 years on mifepristone (RU486) is as follows:

Conclusions: Since the scan from 20/6/07, the meningioma overlying the right petrous apex has decreased somewhat in size and now measures 48mm in AP dimension, 35mm in transverse dimension and a maxiumum of 37 mm in craniocaudal dimension. The transverse and AP dimensions have decreased in the interval since last study, previously measured 65 x 33 x 37mm.

Just goes to show that sometimes it's worth fighting for the things you believe in:

Australian Medical Journal: The Fight for Life-Saving Drug